The 1916 Project Copyright James MacRyland Crary, 2023

The Semiotic Superstory:  A. Houdini Magic Involving Hitler and Lennon code named:  Kasper organized through Axis Hollywood by D.W. Griffith.  B.  The Murder of JFK and its representation in HitlerReagan Semiotics.  C. Two Virgins Pussyball.

The 1916 Project:  Origins in the Cubist Movement.

Kremlin Disney:  Who was Gail Burstyn and what did her hit team do?

The Deluge:  Evidence that Climate Change was planned.

      This paper unearths the trickery of UWDialectical in the State of Washington during the AIDS attack and Covid-19.  Their loyalty machine and mayhem, calling itself The Green Party, originates with Soviet Jewry in Pittsburgh and with Yoko Ono.  The Beatles, although hegemons of the war crimes, are not pioneers.  The plotting has its origins in the first World War, but the wiles of Duke Edward are present in the art of David Bowie and King Crimson, so the tendrils of Pentagon-Disney are much clearer and more present than the roots of the mass delusion.  This paper is an evidentiary guidepost to the signifiers in cinema, Axis Hollywood, from which Europe cunningly brag of their imperial espionage and heist.  It is also an investigation into their discussion of the issues in The Texas Schoolbook, a bipartisan/internationalist tax evasion scam, its sources and outposts.  Facelies and backstabs are the stuff of movieland, but for these otherworlders it is the practice of politics as well.  One thing that can not be gotten around is that the assassins are in love with themselves for pulling this off.

      It’s rare that victims are baited into queuing up for their own killers but what the Beatles helped Hitler Tojo avenger Yoko Ono pull off was, well imagine Jews pressuring other Jews to board the concentration trains with words like the Germans won’t hurt them and you get the idea of what the Zappas and their Seattle bullies pulled off while the American Police lacked the honor even to investigate a combat war game targeting a disabled man.