Jenny Rubin is very similar to Jerry Rubin. Paul Krassner appeared with the Fugs in Pittsburgh in 1969. He is one of the early Yippies with Rubin. Jen Rubin appears as a double in Gail Burstyn semiotics. Krassner loaned a woman out to kill every man on earth money two days before she shot Warhol in the Rookies target area lightning strike twice, which was two days before RFK was killed by a man whose gang had left I Love Sira Siran on my garage door in 1966 and planted the script on me while giving me Warhol’s phone number. The woman who shot him advanced herself by having a script she gave him stolen. He became as jumpy as his CMU classmate Nancy Moore. As I write the covid bombers lisp of having a stolen H bomb.

Trumpytune was photographed with Warhol before a horseman wearing Piaget on his shirt. The scriptwriters have long brayed that Marzlak goo goo ga joob’d about the Fugs so was there that night, promoting the scriptwriter thieves from Laurel Canyon’s Genocide Pornography idea of one lie to snuff them all.

The Crew Hag reguestre croOrnog bellows of its revenge for Hiroshima that Lennon got whacked therefore her teamsters with Dia at 911 are fiddle dee dee.