The rioting on the streets touches me in the unusual way of having been used in an early warning of the breakdown of norms in a programmatic crime wave which is being pushed beyond the point of no return.  As a writer who was comfortable in Community College programs, I was a target for bashing.  The sadism involved is shocking.

      Summer of the bummer and I am writing to you in distress.  My name is James MacRyland Crary, a family from 17th century Plymouth Meeting.  Father was an educator on the USS San Jacinto with Bush.  For whatever reason after abandonment I was acid burned on the face as a child.  Courtney Kennedy became concerned enough to write to me after the Green Party murdered Saoirse; they also shot Ortiz, having killed several more people, friends, circle me horrendously with deadly intent, and attacked two more Kennedys when I tried to warn the Kennedys about having witnessed the covid bomb being authored here in Tacoma by a platoon of the Green Division.     

       I am dealing with the criminally insane.      

       For many years I have been a refugee in the homeless community of the United States of America from Neva Pornographic Corporation hustlers in Pittsburgh (Warhol Museum) and Seattle (Sound Mental Health) who merchant child abuse films. Their accomplices in the Veterans Administration call it a behavioral study before and after shock treatments involving bacteriologicals. It was put together by Salk Research Labor team on behalf of George Romero and the holocaust survivors at University of Pittsburgh who forgave Bayer Company for their role in Zyklon B in return for agreement, I have since proven as a former Medical Library Clerk (1984)  to help them in the AIDS attack. My birth was part of a eugenic contract made for Pitt vivisection specialist Bill Peckham, desirous of a sociological experiment pacifying in atrocity by the sacrificial abuse of a white boy. Bush was my father Ryland’s shipmate in WW2 so they could do this and announce a National Trust.  The NAACP were in on the plan.  I have crib memories of being studied by them. I was turned over at the age of nine to the Wattenmakers led by Bernard who, unbeknowest to me was psychiatrist in Attica State Prison. His sons organized the gang who force fed me a nerve agent that was used later by assassins who knew it was there and knew I didn’t. They also exposed me to King Crimson’s bellicose screamy meamy album containing “Innocence raped” and “neurosurgeons scream for more at paranoia’s poison door”. William Wattenmaker went into Pitt’s Neurobehavioral Instititue where the NAACP protected him by confiscating my papers and framing me in crude homegrown terror campaigns. Together, they targeted my right to marriage in favor of horrible sex trafficking of me from the museum ward.

         Due to the psychological limitations of their audience in the newspaper reading public, the assassins mongering their script the Texas Schoolbook, also known as the Klondike Schoolbook used the very simplest formulas of alphanumeric encryption, such as 1=A, 2=B. They used 1 8 for AH engineering from 46 to 64 a turnaround campaign for the Axis. This is in their Klondike Schoolbook code. The script reads, “They tell me I am wrong.” The pen hand of the Council is Gail Carolyn Burstyn, a homophone for Christian Armageddonism who went to Bryn Mawr. She came from a kibbutz in Israel and helped hire men named Ronald, Caspar, Donald and the Pitmans to kidnap, torture and gas me as a very young and traumatized hostage child in a place called Kings Estate. In infamous pornography the Warhol claim I am trying to sell these films myself by declaring victim status.  Their company uses a C in a Star of David as their pornography logo and go by Neva. Neva Mancine’s sister De De (born 4/4 the day they killed Dr. King and indexed to DD the Library of Congress classification system for the study of Nazi Germany) was hired by the Asians in the Axis to seduce me as a production feature of the murder of Martin Luther King, limned in the Klondike Schoolbook. Mancine is like Manson Cinema, or cinema of man.  They wanted a little boy from the ship because of the nickname of the atomic bomb, which was little boy. Neva's agent was a Jewish fat man now at SONY.  The crime is called Little Girl.

        The British confiscated the script by a Fox agent who was married into the family by certified stepfamily confederates of the plan. They already knew it was there. They had brutally pummelled me into a semi-coma and fed me what information they needed to alarm me into public spectacle. Meanwhile, their drama hirelings gave false witness. One such stooge, Cindy Rudy, was an example of name indexing, Sin D Rue D.       

         As a three year old my father told me they never found Hitler’s body and laughed when I pressed him for certainty; so naturally when the internet went on I wanted details. I already had read Wm. Shirer’s Rise and Fall in which he attributed the death of Hitler to witnesses Goebbels, a liar, and Hanna Reitsch, but he didn’t say who she was. The internet explained that Weezler, pardon my contempt, had last been seen with Germany’s ace experimental pilot, Hanna Reitsch. Jim Marrs, a Dallas news reporter, found the flight record of their escape. Hitler lived and conversed with American Intelligence dacoits from gangs like the production team for The Time Tunnel, a serial on American TV, from Mendoza, Argentina a few miles away from where the Israelis agreed to settle for Adolf Eichmann in return for ultimate satisfaction against the United States.      

        The empty seats from the bonus attack we see on TV in the 60 baseball schedule during this summer of the bummer do not seem to bother the players of baseball.  Some normal people would go on strike rather than be poster boys for Adolf Hitler, but not Social Darwinists. When Stalin said, "one man's death is a tragedy a million deaths is a statistic," he set in motion the cosmic ruminations of the British who scammed us with Lennon's deranged script signed by their agent Gail Burstyn to allow those who release AIDS to claim they were defending the true hero of the plan whose Houdini may as well have been death for those who wanted more. All the same the bonus attack has to be confronted. Just because the Mariners are willing to prance around and demonstrate their loyal pizzazz towards those who murdered our grannies and then ordered us into the streets to protest Biko doesn't mean it should go unnoted.

     The mayhem in Seattle during the summer of the bummer signifies favoring crime, rewarding crime, and characterizing the victim as cruelly humiliated, politicizing in favor of crime.  - acid burn to face

   The British were working with Neva all along. They targeted me as a child and developed, through University politics, a voice over system that allowed them to cast me as a rapist, without any sort of victim, through voice overs making allusions to me as someone they held in sexual contempt. The summation of these Hollywood ploys was to make any attempt to save American lives from mass murder into the moral equivalent of a rape crime, to them, and they punished this accordingly, brutally raping the girl, deaf Jeannie, who crossed the Union thug line and taught me sign language late in life, poisoning me in the mouth and chemically castrating me, obviously without trial, since their complaint concerned a letter to a girl who was still a virgin. After taunting me from her nightly rituals of intimacy our senior year in high school she likened to cleansing by a cat, she scorned and taunted me when leaving me unrequited and finding her partner while keeping it from me, sneering, "Why should you get another chance?" I asked her if she was suggesting I should have raped her. Hahahahahaha when the riot of laughs from her companion Mike Exler (pronounced X-slur). "He'll never get out of that one," Hillary Clinton lewdly closed with prejudice. They lay in wait to set upon every woman I dated from that point forward from high school, leaving me from their hate crimes a deaf, single, and very broken old man. Some of their crimes cannot be mentioned for reasons of taste, but those are their favorite ones.                                 

       The fossil fuel giants seeing their peril if climate change incited rebellion consulted the eye in the pyramid who all adore.  The Axis renewal have now closed Community Colleges, Community Centers, Starbucks, Deaf Services, History Museums and so forth while dispensing justice delayed for WW2 to our grannies while promoting their globalist black franchise, just as they uploaded as a corporate installation the Lesbian Magic of Obama during the AIDS abomination.   Now you can deny this, as presented, but hear me out.  UW military sociology is building an Ark of Kolorz.  They do not care for Dr. King’s non-violence unless it means no one will confront them for atrocity.  They consider it naive and in fact too good to be true.   They plotted unlimited use of John Lennon in a program of mayhem to finish up Hitler’s revenge as Yoko Ono assumes the mantle of Bob Dylan's Honor Queen.        

       Frank Zappa’s Broadway the Hard Way took up where the Tubes left off in Boy Crazy.  This gonzo routine of spoiled white living mocking back was intended as a psychological program to effectively limit the cause of dissent while they uploaded the plan as a bid for helplessness and malice as the new American standard. This was debasement of a badly abused hostage child they have since admitted knowing was scripted by Warhol.       

        The deep game of UW comes from Michel Foucault, a Paris maniac who worked a diplomatic leverage between HitlerReagan and Khomeini.  His sadomasochist chic was tuned to the use of the human form (Guy Kitchen) as a statement in the AIDS sacrifice as a mind-statement of holy war to be experienced by the freak elite.   It outhighernesses everything but the Vietnamese monk who lit himself on fire and enlisted the derision of Bobby Seale as effectively as Sean Strub.  Look at Dia of Der Mond who called me Dec. 8, 1980 and then teamed up with Cliff Robertson on Sept. 11, 2001. You can see that this is true at Both Dias were with Robertson. Both Dias worked with Spin Magazine, one at Swid Powell, the other from Rockefeller Plaza.        

         The power of romance in decadent Japanese lore was followed upon throughout the lead up of Hollywood’s hit on JFK through to the deployment of high risk ultimatum in the buddy program secretly called Double Suicide.   You hafta, said the Pitmans. I have documented this extensively, a fact their attorneys are holding in bondage as gold for the attackers themselves, as the Klondike Schoolbook was planned.         

        Zappa lived in Laurel Canyon with HitlerReagan’s partner Errol Flynn, a Nazi double agent even by the admission of our pusillanimous history records online. Houdini lived there, too. Pulling this off was the ultimate insider thrill for Hollywood rabid. Flynn, whose fast acting namesake Billy Flynn at my Elementary School may be who the double company of the Kelly School van which was named after their namesake petition for what Lewis Lapham called, "a priceless forgery" use by Wen and Takei, the latter a contemporary of John Wayne and Melvin Belli in the heist of my name by hiring a stunt driver to reckless drive at Kellly Elementary and then fraudulently name me, while circling me with trucks marked: CONDEMNED, leading to years of homelessness.  If you want to know how the Daring Doubles Won the War, they beamed up their Captain who only lived twice.  That’s why they never arrested Gail Burstyn.      

You may wonder why the Army has been consistently scornful of the Kennedys.  Why?  Because this isn’t MASH.  Saving a man’s life the way he did may impress Navy Seals, but thanks for the lift.  Seeing Anthony "Onassis the honorary Argentinian" Quinn saying, “Those are our boys,” as the camera in Guns of Navarone cuts to Germans on the steps of the Parthenon is telltale enough but you don’t have to be a sleuth to understand the way the stank, unbathed Hebrew woman and the twin Japanese girls with decay-some chicken bones stalking Jimmy Creary in neurotrauma and homelessness was organized by Clint Eastwood for the Nature God orbitron, he sent me his autograph with a smoking gun that ultimately faces a serious Civil Rights violation in the use of direct brainwave sonar.  That’s why Kaspernick kneels.  These mongerers ain’t about to salute a flag that hasn’t cast out the trash liberals of FDR.         

        John Lennon is presumed dead.  That means Ringo GITS to rape Saoirse, deafJeannie, cover for AIDS and murder our grannies in the bonus attack. He brainwashed a generation to call this two-faced complicity by the misappropriation of the word Love. Do Halliburton own water?

       I am not presently homeless.  I have a Section 8 housing voucher and live in an apartment complex near the hospital seemingly ideally situated for an old timer, with internet, space, rent subsidy, food awards, medical insurance, a landlord who has known me 20 years and honors standing at a Community College where I am one class shy of a Bachelor's degree.  While it is not a given that Massachusetts or even persons loyal to Kennedy would contest the criminals who ferociously ritually molest me in what they admit is a "lifelong process," being where my loyalties are would at least have the benefit to me of showing I followed the course of safe exit before committing to open combat with assassins.  I have no history of violence.  I own no weapons.  I have no desire to be forced into a contest of "principle" with these fight club hardrocks, however, there is a salient civic dimension that has to be addressed.  It may seem escapist to you, but my only real need is to be sure I am rooted where I can say I tried persuasion before defending myself from killers who I suspect plan to present themselves to me when I am boxed in. In the past they have been armed and attacked me blindside. It was totally unprovoked.  Recent messages are dark with the narrative line of 'patience' and 'just you wait."  

      I have been printed in Cineaste Film Quarterly, Chinook Coupon Book and other periodicals regularly for many years.  I am familiar with the acid-like tension that comes from being read by an increasingly encouraged unruly mob we call our society.  I was grossly unprepared for the evil genius of the ravenous people around Yoko Ono coming at me in grade school from Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and still suffer from the mind at work, even grappling with comprehension of those fiends.

      This is personal with me.  I don't care if nobody else realizes Reagan killed JFK. The monsters in Robert Fripp's Army raped the only friend I ever had. She is legally a child.  She has Downs Syndrome.  She is deaf. They have done nothing but make sport of me my entire life.  If I stay here they will insinuate that they are friendly.                 

          It surprises me that I am the only one astute enough to notice it and comment, but the wolfpack of Black Lives Matters has little or nothing to do with Black people.  It is an organized bi-racial Federalism in which the martyrs are carefully sifted to exclude anyone white, but that’s not because Black people are the only martyrs, it’s because Black people are the alibi.        Obama being asked to deliver the eulogy for John Lewis was exceedingly telltale, easily as revealing as the troll Martin Sheen portraying the Judge in the film about the Edmund Pettus Bridge.  If you think of Sheen and Obama’s party line as a Moebius strip, a line that continues forever in a loop that never ends, forever one-sided, it is accurate to say also that truth is the side that isn’t there.       

        For the NAACP the fact that I wasn’t the driver at Kelly School is forever beside the point.  They committed a horrible hate crime to camouflage Obama’s role in mass murder atrocity and that is all there is to it.  One white getting in the way is considered grandstanding.  This mess is from the white mind of Greg Karls around the world, hustlers of inhuman slavery to whom, in the end, John Lewis was evidently proud to be beholden.  Logic in a pretzel of irrationality, isn’t their strong card, open mic bullying, the Jesse Jackson style is, and to make it worse actual history, which cannot be accepted, has him clear - America’s Goebbels.  Contrary to his bluster there is nothing whatsoever encouraging about the protests at a time like this.       

       There’s a very dishonorable reason why the NAACP (nevermind the BLM of the Green Party) cannot behold the reality of this fact.   It is because Dyslexter King wasted your Honors Student.  Thanks to Dyslexter the most hostile, anti-American (meaning fascst) scam on the books got the upper hand.   The engineers of the operation in UW Sociology loved his cheap trick.  For him, having a big pile of gold was a new way to see the Promised Land, but more importantly, the cause of Poor People was one of extermination magnanimity.  The issuance, you do it white boy, was fast on his lips.   The big criminals got the prize not because property is theft but because for all their historic grudge they are as bloodthirsty as human beings come.     

        Take the horrible dishonesty of Pittsburgh, who announced the death of a friend as though she were a stranger because they hate me with the words she would listen as though asking if there more you want to say, a jab they dug with smallness of character at the urgency of my pre-seizure alarm about their program.   Pittsburgh NAACP enjoyed such digs and taunts but there message was to cover for them or else.  The party line by which they performed this gyration with Seattle was the slogan brainstormed for Moebius one-sided bumperstickerheads - they crowed that one who doesn’t accept blame is unworthy of responsibility.  You will notice this wasn’t directed at black participants in the trans-Atlantic slave program, it was directed at a white child who was crying in the closet from mutilationists and screaming in the streets in flight from Obama and Sheen’s crude sexual experimentation.        

       Greg Karl used to taunt other people on my block of Winterton into tears so sabotaging my plans to be married was just perfect him, a Karl normality, but the black girl who linguistically anthro’d to me, “one upon a time,” at Central Catholic one evening, inside their premises, shows that the bi-racial identity of Neva’s Two Virgins pussyball outrage clocked to the AIDS was chillingly conceived as compensatory sexual coding by which the flesh traffickers in the black underworld provided the opening for the bonus attack.  It’s not a riddle, it’s other side of the endless one sidedness of Obama stark raving mind.       

       Go spread your ugly rumors, Obama, at Terri-rapin’ Station (WQED)