At a Cultural Competence roundabout held by Code Red College a Vietnamese woman with an Army tough boyfriend put on me by Andrew Cho tipped me that she holds meaning to be a creation of man.  We know now that the US Government is not interested in Intelligent Design as found, only economic tampering stylized by science readings benefizient to the West.   How far is Biden from Caligula?  Not far.  To find Joe Biden's role in all of this takes abandonment of hope, waiting for Joe Godot is off the playhouse map.  We can read him from the past accurately enough to divine where we stand.  Putting trust in the people who have authored these extreme measures is predicated on the idea that they are done with their project, a laugh if insured by Axis history, and that they hold power by superior competence and ability who in their wisdom announced the least of necessary evils.  To be sure, I have requested a copy of the book written by all those who participated in Operation: We Tried Everything First.  The crime is a riddle that tells itself after a while.  The idea that the predicates for grounding suspicion are false renders concern to have the cascade of the mundane.  Martha Gellhorn's response to warning in 1990, "you can't mean that," becomes routine-ized enough that it continues to serve even in covid.

       How far is Joe Biden from Caligula?  Not far.  The nativist tendency in Biden however works wonders with the NAACP and is inclusive of other trophy minorities.  The mixed media outcome advertises the plot for the Ark it was conceived as.  In this mentality from London, they didn't need Saoirse Kennedy because they've already got their own little white  How can one fail to applaud the rise of N'dour and Obama even if promoted by the murderers of King?  

        Just how ugly Penis Gabriel and Hillary Clinton really are is obvious, but only by reflecting on them can the less obvious role played by Biden become clarified.  Gabriel's war combein announced themselves as a Dr. Strangelove over Rape Conjob, a sophisticated Dr. Rapeframe Conjob that held the City of Pittsburgh glued to their rationalizations for Mt. Desert Island, some of which co-exist existentially with the rational despite being used for mass poison by the criminally insane.   Observing the prospect of a planet cleansed brings the licky chops of contemporary fascism to the press mills where not a word about any of this is allowed. my blog remains online as their proof that the victim of their venom's focus has a failed argument.  They looped the idea that by giving Katz her case, or so her partner Ono says, I become the object of transferring again back the blame for covid by dint of providing the deed of the operation's success.  How can you argue with the complicity of Queer Seattle and survive?  I assure you, the idea is vetoed by the killers.  The Queer coaches attending the AIDS attack for McCartney clapped their hands, well that's done, now for covid.

        Seattle Queer perfidy is extremely deadly to expose.  They are fascists who infiiltrated the Left and successfully argued Yoko Ono's war of revenge against the last of the WW2 generation before they could get away by natural causes.

        One of the passing, glancing pains of what Biden accomplished is to have media and online cyberstalkers start threatening me and my loved ones.  The Green Party stamped their game on my father's obituary, killed Iowa Molly, shot up a news office in the name of Ramos, murdered Mr. Chin, raped Chin I, and got Saoirse in more ways than one.  To get the Obama factor that led to this monstrosity takes recognition that the Jews who are being accused are actually guilty.  Biden of course says no, and warns anyone off criminal warrants against the perpetrators.  Virginity, he laughs, proves rape, nuf sed.  By claiming it a level playing field the poisonous Joe Biden set up a tit-for-tat arrangement favoring the killers allowing payback against those I love on the orchestrated signal of the recognition that I don't really sympathize with the abomination or the perpetrators.  I did however say that obeying the law in pursuing them was called for.  This offends them like nothing else, the absolute audacity of the idea that those who live by the laws should hold sway brings evil to their lips like nothing in the poison cabinet.

          When the Green Party pendulum accords Pener Gabriel’s floating uterus by one of their own you did it, they sneer, because you prefer the innocent people we slay.  How this evolved from WW2 derives from the Army's mania for getting even.  Japanese felt the atom bomb was too dirty of Harry.  Jews wanted compense to feel so much better, belch.  Friendly fire, killing one of their own to manufacture grievance for poaching is exactly what happened when Donnie Chin's closet team set him up and then directed their missile of meaning at Kennedy some more.   This organization the Green Party in which Bill Gates has a huge role are very sick minds.

      Possibly the most blase of arthouse film genres is the B-grade black and white low budget French existentialist sort that I am.  In my film, the frustrated deaf eunuch muses with great intensity believing deep in his brow that he has but one diligent reader, Greta Thunberg.  Throughout the film to the heart of the matter she is never seen, the watcher can barely believe that the Frenchman believes it, yet it drives him to work, even to sometimes sing along as he types, and to sleep soundly, never seen but then at the very end of the credits roll as he perishes who should reach out her hand to welcome him into heaven but Greta Thunberg!

       Focusing on and transitioning between all these issues and mentions takes work.  It’s hard to find a touchstone when the goal of the aggressor is to deprive civil discourse of rational answers. Like the 2001 Mariners, and the film Carrie so much depended upon, they flatter and flatten, build up to breakdown.  Stating the very word Law is such a call to mortal combat for the assassins that the Pennsylvania Bar Association should have their right to practice rescinded for bad faith.   Biden’s role all but openly states a realignment of what Solzhenitsyn said at Harvard in 1978 which was that his obligation to the living outweighs his obligation to the dead.  Biden all but revises that his obligation to the future outweighs his obligation to the living.   It takes a mind for the Monk-ery of detail to fathom the gist of Goats Head Penitence / Mind Salad / and the use of Gail Burstyn’s vestige shadowing Greta’s aspect in online productions.  Attenborough’s specialty with little girls is to dog the plastic foundation of the golem.

     Lennon operationally was after the real estate but he played like living for the day.   In the 80’s on Mt. Desert Island Hillary chose for her namesake the tag: Logan, which announced the laugh being made of the blighters who for 15 minutes of fame were eager to get the lead role as victim in a Penis Gabriel Snuff Film.  The key point of all the arrangements belies the claim of found art because everything was in place and already loaded up to use language as their French weapon.  At best, the script that showed Lennon faked it was claimed to have been found and taken to be used for FOUND ART by those who faked it, a staged and phony discovery bringing us closer to understanding:  Goats Head Penitence / Mind Salad / Trump gold.

        Lennon set it up as a convo with himself.  This convo with himself, saying for example that he didn’t want to come to America until he was No. 1, and that if looks could kill it would have been (ie. JFK) instead of him, then announcing on Petticoat Junction that he was from Britain and the biggest thing in America, JFK having the gall to think he was as popular as King Arthur, calling his cabinet by the name of his betters, Camelot indeed.  If JFK was Camelot then the Beatles are more popular than, why, forget me not, myuh.  Lennon’s sickening but effective idea was to take charge of both points of view in the dialogue about sex liberty.  It was all prior meditated to the AIDS attack to take on the trippery of ghoulish delectation that characterized the Clinton cabinet of the 90’s, the delectations of despair that tunnelled through the 1st attack.  Katz had said that timing was everything which is a quote I now know to be about war.  Fripp and Attenmaker clocked an inner clock about Katz to the outer clock about Lennon then and Rosa was brought in Green to detonate it then well that worked out nicely, next for covid.

            The partnership of Sinfield and Lennon is the grindstone of Intelligence Services proving Trump was the plotter behind Gail Burstyn who was young at the time and thus the murder of JFK was the Republican machine cartel and mind reader switchboard we came to know so well.  Lennon’s magical mystery trickery is not the only item.  A retrospective on how the Union skunked us is necessary to ascertain Biden, especially as an internationalist of bipartisan real estate.  How did it happen?  What psychological forces were used?  The death of Lennon was certainly made by and for Monty Python.  How could they think of all this?  How could they be so funny?  More importantly isn’t that their signature like no one else?  From Inge Fleming to Ian Fleming, from James Bond to James K / James C bondage, Hollywood had it set up as a golden cycle to be do.

        It’s not clear to me whether ruining hope and making it futile strengthens or demoralizes faith but by hope alone with ravenous deceivers like these you are far more likely to get nowhere than prevail which leads to surrender, tea because if can’t beat them then maybe you join them.  

     In the 90’s when I knew that AIDS was an attack and followed up on an invitation to attempt legal services, the police entrapped me illegally and then squirmed, “why did you push it to this point?”  Me?  The lockstep for the Pennsylvania Union crime defines Biden.  The facts illustrate the conscientious attention to detail behind their willful dedication to the cause of deceit but once announced as dogma, particularly by the NAACP, it is very injurious to the self to question.