In Brian Eno’s Africa it is customary before coming to blows to have an Open Mic Poetry Rugby challenge and counter-challenge session.   This allows the individuals to address the public with their complaints while slyly informing their paeons, construing battle idioms, and conveying to the enemy.   Far away, the encyclopedists reckon the interpretations.  When faith is at stake all is recounted before the Mullah Kohen Croce Finnegan long-shown adroitest at sly-doggery and conveyance.   Sacred before the Shiemish, Eno’s priesthood begins the match with the intonation, “OH SUCRE BLEU!”

     G. Gordon Liddy publicly made light of the Watergate break-in saying that gentlemen read each other’s mail all the time, and laughing about what would happen if they didn't.  Lennon poses on their delicacy from Pentagon Disney with his back turned.   This symbolizes all you can get away with behind people’s back especially if they prefer to not know.  Putting this into perspective, on Sept. 12, 2020, the community burghers of Tacoma, WA are advised to stay indoors.  The covid bombers have set wildfires up and down the West Coast and true to the anthem, I can’t breathe inaugurating the Geo-political mission of Pink Floyd, Geo. Floyd’s plea, “I can’t breathe,” from This Island Earth by Brian Ferry, is thereby rendered a universal.   Like the ribbon cutting for Greta Thunberg, special effects fire in Australia, this new one from the AIDS attackers is clarvoyanced as Extinction Rebellion, myuh.

       Alack, Nicky old boy.

        McCartney’s strategy is to have the children of victiims in the covid bomb rooting for Biden and condemning Trump while drawing the line at exposing his hand.   This ways the ball bounces within prescribed lines.   The answer to all and everything, conveys Sir Paul is the age old klukker goad, “he was caught with his pants down.”  The Creary liberl had nowhere to run, locked out from the church so Finnegan could have fun again, targeting the symbol, nowhere except a CIA safehouse where the jury had earmarked him through the spyhole of the plan.  From then on they would trigger therapy what he was hiding in the freezer of a coma-trauma.   

        I remember David Hoechstetter because he told me that any problem I solve creates 1.2.  He was lecturing me about how to really save the earth from nuclear meltdowns.  It involves a series of contingencies, he said, we get lectured on it all the time at Westinghouse, like shuttiing the door and running.   The police knew a lot about what Don Ostro was doing.

          Everytime the queerbait tries to get help by public right to know community laws, he creates 1.2, as when talking of shooting insulin led to an exchange by the Vegas gunmen playing off the trigger franchise long in vogue around the Afghanistan crowd, Leto and Gabbard that took down Saoirse as they laughed at my erectile dysfunction and bragged of taking my fiance for their recreational superiority. I got a card about Saoirse from her mom. It’s like one of those pieces of cardboard fan in the Mariners stands, summer of the bummer, but somehow it stands between me and those truly evil attorneys who work for that baseball band.

         Although they claim it was my due for not trusting her, in reality, Penis Gabriel already had his album US on the mint and ready to roll.  They were manipulating the loyalty of those who held the blue cloak over a neuroplasm.   Working for Trump, he jeered, step forward, tin man.

       John Kennedy they have long avowed was caught with his pants down.  His own wife Jackie, already betrothed by the Dulles switchboard to Onassis and the Argentina horde, did the honors for the First Lady Honors Code and the nuclear arsenal was put up for International Auction as John Wayne’s co-star iin The Green Berets sang in German, and we went into Indochina for the old allies of Japan there, Vichy France.    Rosa and Jackie then used the slipknot logic of Ono and Chapman to kill Saoirse they claimed in avenging JFK, for isn’t she as much the Womann of Jackie as of him?  Likewise do not the authors of the AIDS attack avenge the victims if reading the dream theory of their suffering for choosing targets to avenge therapy by?   You can get this mania of goblins in the bog looking at how a Dragnet voice of Dialectical UW-ism intoned the mafioso compulsion of Tupac’s sacred scripture, nothing is better than getting the pussy but getting revenge, both at once, if possible, and so, you know what to do to their victims for his killers.

          Ian Wattenmaker insisted to me as a child that Mein Kampf was an allusion to mein kumpft which is how he pronounced cunt when he told me what one was.   The language idiom shows that Ringo Starr was in a close personal confederacy with Frank Sturgis and that both were Oxford acidhead convexed into Gister (key starr and gis Stur) for Carrie Gister, a Steven King suggestive, therapy explosion guild, Oxynymic for Crary kissed her and gassed her from the holocausters around Cyrillic Wacked, but so do the current arrangements at the clubhouse where Gretchen Love has placed a friend of E. Howard Hunt for bosom bud Penis Fripp, plyiing a WQED and Aaron Dixon game of pin the tail on the neurogolem by the Ultrahigh utility of Catch 22.    

       Trump had long played Godfather in a game of Murderball where he was the only man doing the doing.  Pick one off here, one there, and the cattle will moo that there is some sort of feud going on, yes quite and they are framing me, he jests.  Warped and horrible as a standard, the Trump support mutants see their own derangement as a form of individiation, finding themselves, for those who always said that Humanist Professors of progress in our schools were just another branch of predators who didn’t even stay married.

        The telltale is how they led the operation from the front.  Penny of 1717 Murder Doctor Street used to cue me that men will ask me to “hold their pener”.  Then she took me to HAIR.  The attorney for HAIR, Amanda Harcourt, wrote the alibi setting up safe passage to the covid bomb by the AIDS attackers.  Laughing that they got me to ACT UP, they slipknot alibi’d the stupid queers cheering their own killers again.  MK-ACT UP. Brings it all back. The covid bomb, I can't breathe, the wildfire arsons, and the magus who set it all up for the slumlord of the world. Trump and Warhol, man is man.