Oliver North may as well be my cousin, my brother, my Uncle, my son or my papi or any other adjunct of my family for all any one of them gives a shit about me.   My family contracted with the very assassins who violently deafened me, castrated me, poisoned me in the mouth, raped someone who taught me sign, raped and murdered someone I love, and said that’s okay boss, we’ll sign on, too, just make us rich and famous.

      They claim I was punished for being a sissy playing all big on First Amendment rights.  Let’s explore this concept.  They damaged the golem and impacted a surreal demonic possession nerve agent they set forth to squeeze lisping that even the attempt to resist not saying what they implanted as voice overs in the head would be detected and bystanders murdered to demand, so, at two o’clock in the morning, freezing homeless in rain, weeping in anguishing seizures coerced into sarcasm I violated involuntarily the privacy of the Princess Leni Leni of Duzzeldorf and her seven foot tall black man.

      Did I start it?  Brecher laughed about dragging me through glass, mocked my being rejected, announced his agency in Michael Reagan’s favorite scene, while Exler rampaged, YOU BLEW IT, and Kirshner roared with laughter, he raped her he raped her and she was still a virgin.  All while Obama was slapping five at the black lives matters barbershop, we castrated the white THE WHITE!!! Hahahahaha. Without trial, without defense, without me having done anything wrong. Don’t get me started about that bodybag in Gretchen and Jane’s attic on Winter. And it means the klukkers who shot JFK got some special treats at the Japanese honest girls club.

       Ollie, Jimmy’s being weird, he’s being mean to me, he’s scaring me. 

        These are the politics of that worm Sean Lennon.: They poisoned you in the mouth to prove they would never poison you in the mouth, hey.

         And what does Tang mean cropping up in their index.  I think it means that Trump drummed up a bomb scare with the help of Stone and Putin to position himself at the NPs corner to tweet the Wuham Flu, and that if he isn’t brought to justice those who died by covid will have died in vain.   Obiter nort b tang, tang, tang,  Orange cat and Midori, lisp the ripper hatter.
