An important maintenance administrator for a multi-campus community college in a large American city, Pittsburgh, a black man named Duvall, responded to my investigative report, "I know Bush was behind AIDS and I support him for it." Ten years ago, I went into Seattle Central District and asked the Black girls working as baristas in cafes if they had ever heard that The Stranger Newspaper was refusing to print an objective, well-researched investigation into the origin of AIDS, they said they hadn't. This had gone on many more years than that. Seattle Mental Health crowed that I was a failure who would only make trouble at school. When I finally was allowed back in school, I made Honors. Keeping me out was organized crime to help set up the Covid bomb and prevent me from being heard.

Perhaps you realize that Covid doesn't discriminate. An old Black woman helped me with a delivery the minute she heard I was sick, so did Nola Renz. Either of them could have gotten sick and died in those days. Hopefully this has improved. The NAACP refused to address these crimes because they had made up their minds to poach me as a white in the role of the agenda proposed by the attackers who are a Germany & Africa Green Party alliance with notorious bought boys howling about things like reparations. Is killing our grannies reparations? For Japanese militants it is Equity. I call them The Equity Scythe. The NAACP needs to accept that I know what they have done.

My work looks in to Reagan. One of the films is DIVA a French New Wave film about police fascism in Europe. The lead is a Black woman who sings. She is a prima donna of the Trump jet set who says that people taping her concerts without permission is "like rape." A boy who loves her has been doing that. He is white. The intelligence system knew about the AIDS script. The film opens with the catch phrase, "It's in the kid's mailbag." Yet this was made two years before AIDS happened. He stands before a poster of her with my birthday on it. There are terribly unsubtle clues throughout. The stage props include a Bryan Ferri record the refrain of which is, "I can't breathe." It is called, "This Island Earth." Geopolitical Pink Floyd or Geo Floyd for short.

ZARK, as I call them, Z meaning the end, ARK, being their co-prosperity zone of race tokens allowed to survive, are hostile. They answer concerns about the concentration camps in WW2 with, "what about the Native Americans? What about slavery?" and go on to release AIDS and Covid with the full support of the NAACP who need their approach for status quo "liberation." I don't have time to deal with "the ancestors". Everything I have ever known is under attack.

In such a situation, where I have been mutilated and tortured for profit by the deranged and criminally insane, ask Nola Renz what the last thing she left for me was in the lockdown, it was prescription mouthwash, poison was put in my food, in cold blood, like a rat, in such a situation the fact that my family were abolitionists tells me that symbolic mayhem is at work not social justice, it's just Axis Hollywood. America should be sorry for allowing Nazis to gain such a foothold