The conspiracy theory I favor turns on the fact that you cannot put anything past the type of Clarence Thomas, Adam Schiff and Oliver Stone who may be leveraging the Ukraine parameter as an ultimate project forcing acceptance of AIDS & Covid19 as part of a Trumpytune-Putinese showboat.  Notice that before and after science Impeachments took place and that both Biden and Trump were putting Ukraine in the news, while nobody, literally, knows what was really going on in the Donbas.  

     Citing for evidence:  Kamila Valieva pulled a PussyRiot stunt at Beijing2022 yet even though this all female rock band was jailed by Putin (there are two Vlads in this) he clearly prior authorized it, also Zelenskiy, in addition to following the name pattern of Zell, follows the tendencies of Beat Kitano, who made an Obama Era film called Brother worth researching.  Notice that Valieva fell to 4th and flipped them the bird while Japan took silver.

       Fripp follows Ouspensky's Fourth Way school.  Ouspensky is from Kharkiv and his name is used throughout the post-Zell war college presentation of Obama & Biden (Wiswell, is a caustic example, from the bank where Weinstein's used to be).  If the Oligarchs are working out a Ouspensky Circle of the Ark you would find exactly what you do, guerilla loyalists from colleges promoting Climate Change equity without review of the set-up and so on.

        So, while Stone helps manage the slaughterhouse and raving about nuclear annihilation, the parameter holds as a demonstration project in the usual fulminating from Democrats about The Nature of Reality.

         It clocks majestically as Holy War to the coming abortion ban.

         The level that Ouspensky and his co-troll in deaf child raping foreign buccaneer JG Bennett operate on (the spiritual hunger of the modern child) is to raid the psyche of the individual or the masses by inducement of trauma and psychotic thatisfy.  The cruel and depraved fascist decadence of Bowiie was all set up to induce a social Draft of sensibility and subliminal digest as process maintenance.

          The Beatles were a love Frankenstein who killed JFK as a Shakespeare lampoon.

                     James M. Crary vs. The United States of America/The Beatles & Co.

       May 2022

       Federal Courthouse, Tacoma, filing by self-representation

       The basis of this lawsuit is severe personal injury, active shooter relief and terrible negligence by lawful authority.

       From my personal address, deaf and badly disabled, Section 8 Housing, State of Washington, I have sustained definition for my long scrutinized warning showing that a poisonous nerve agent was deliberated prescribed to me by Attica State Prison Psychiatrist Bernard Wattenmaker when I was a Pittsburgh Public Elementary School child, already enduring chemical deafness and slaughtering beatings in a surgical strike by military lead-up for civil mayhem authored by the authorities who arranged an AIDS war game on Mt. Desert Island in 1988, leading many acquaintances to admit they thought of me at once when Covid began.  No explanation, however, has ever been given as to why there was no detective investigation of a mouth poison complaint I registered prior to the crime of Covid and the many written indications received from participants in a Tacoma secret war college who Drafted me illegally into their slaughterhouse, clearly showing prior meditation.

       Throughout this nightmare, the murderers implied in their lewd and ludicrous scam that I sought to wrong them by aggrandizing the property value of my artifacts when in reality the scam is entirely and exclusively their own doing and none of my arts and achievements would lay claim to the scrutiny they have been subjected had they not mutilated me in cruel and unusual, indecent social experiments:  Therefore the rightful recipient of damages and proceeds is exclusively me and extreme punishment should be required to answer their deranged use of deadly contagion as an ultimate weapon of force and blackmail.  Despite how obvious this is, The United States of America, its government and executives have been united in securing the refusal of the Bar Association thus turning down representation on the basis of a meaningless and cowardly counterclaim by the scammers Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono.  These felons never advised me of their charges, which amounts to manufacture of a vendetta, which they orchestrated as perpetrators who organized seduction by a woman named Rosa for her virginity when I did not have the slightest idea she was a virgin when I started dating her nor did I ask, vilifying me with a specious calumny.  The attackers subsequently murdered several Kennedys united by a fraudulent, empty, fictitious, criminal and deranged scammers’ claim.  I am entitled to exclusive claim of many millions of dollars in damages and restitution without any promissory attending regarding its private and lawful use, intended for personal betterment and protection from abuse by the criminally insane.

         17 million dollars and mandatory severity towards social reaction by the perpetrators is the recommended remedy, a dreary, but necessary monetarist and punitive answer to ensure the integrity of American right to estate.  On your honor and hereby surrendered to the court.