One of the ways to tell an authoritarian personality to whom people are just things is they prefer subordination to appreciation.  I was a Governor’s School poet who studied under Peter Balakian, recently awarded the Pulitzer.  My father Ry had known Eisenhower and authored Humanizing the School.  I had a lot to offer but the only thing the murderer wanted was to keep my hostage off the radar of my father while he brutally de-humanized me.  If you think of Robert Fripp as one of the gloating snipers at Kent State you finally get the picture.

        I could be wrong but it looks to me like Courtney realized, as I do, that the murderer tormenting me put her daughter Saoirse to death because she sent me a beautiful handwritten card in sympathy.   

        Librarians sometimes talk about the difficulties students have doing research around the algorithms of established search engines.  It is more reasonable to be engulfed in screams than to laugh, which is your instinct, when a retrieval for thoughts on pre-planning in covid produce nothing but a Pitt Law student demanding 30 trillion dollars from China.  My father was at Pitt.  They murdered him as part of their plan for the AIDS attack.  Covid was their doing.

       As a System Analyst of the attackers, the primary direction of their amphibious and draconian operation is directed through the Clubhouse International Movement as part of the Windows of the soul Bill Gates panopticon working military Christian demands for a monopoly over their plan package, touting it as spoils for their own victims.  Yoko Ono is an emissary from the Tojo Ronin’s revenge treaty prosecuting by the British Intelligence Services and Her Majesty’s Prosecuting Attorney for Penis Gabriel named Amanda Harcourt of Warhol.  AOC is one of their dacoits.

       The lowest rung of the human race is reserved for sadists like Ringo Starr and his attache Gail Carolyn Burstyn.   Despite this odious fact, all of Seattle is helping them.   Gail Burstyn went to Bryn Mawr and wrote an ugly, Israeli pornographic screed called Story of the Bird.  Aided by a Cedar River attorney named Nicholas DiBarno, they conjured up a series of abortion and announced them a metaphor for the stagey supposed death of John Lennon, having me on both settings that of the Dakota and in D.C. when Reagan claimed he was shot, waving to me the night before as I was escorted to the scene by his Pentagon Disney attorneys from Pitt who authored his FEMA constitution.

          The attackers seeth that is worth big bucks.  Conning the Seattle underworld who used me as a scapegoat to allow them shamelessly to spread their sex disease with remorse towards none,, a guilt management strategy, they agreed to a Warhol Museum framework articulated by Fripp and his sinister bosom partner Colin Powell: if you’re going to name HitlerReagan you better not use hostile words or seek compensation.  The information secret gold rush was on and the victim they mutilated was cut out as they hotwired towards new, more deadly contagion, poisoning me in the mouth in the lead up to the covid bonus attack.

        The script allowed someone they held in lifelong slavery to be presented to the world under the presumption of defendant, which gives the Axis leverage for experimental and deranged sadism.   The truth of it is clear:  an attack on the family tree of my father who was a radio voice in the fleet off the coast of Northern Japan.   At Carnegie Mellon a strong Japanese man demonstrated for me, raising his thick leg to a tree in a perfect 9 o’clock, the Cathedral of Learning visible beyond.

           Andrea Swimmer, Ono’s agent, working for the war criminals Jaime Carbonell, Brian Eno and Granger Morgan, was a cluster bomb of military sociological infamies, perfect for the authoritarian personality of Andrew Cho at Code Red College, where I am stationed in an informal Death Row by the Gates crowd.  From an anthropological point of view, the Islamic burkas probably protected people during the Black Plague.  It is clear from comments made by Amar Kassir that the company Cho keeps regard the masks we live in now as suitable comeuppance for our legacy of mean spirit towards them.  Trump worked this all out with China in advance.  It was, as he puts it, under control.

          Lew Karl of the US Army who worked on me as a child with Gail Burstyn had a story he told to sum up the plan.  He said you take a bag full of shit, light in on fire, and throw it on somebody’s porch to watch the fun as they stamp it out.

           As part of the covid bomb sequence the International Clubhouse Veterans squads set up their stationhouse for projection of their deranged rape fantasies on me.  This was the art of Genesis and true to form they named two pioneer houses Genesis and Rutherford.  They doctored me by a woman named Lutsyk (Loot for the sick).  

           The brain implant that Seattle used to falsify what was happening and keep me off radar as they ruined my life and refused to allow me to attend school, testifies loudly to the infamy.  The leaders in state, in Congress, are nothing but a clerical attorney service, a law firm for the assassins, working to demand extra-Federal jurisdiction for our enemies at The Crown.  Slyly they tried to use impacted trauma on a brain coma to auto-render what they leered were Freudian slips, vomit from hostage toxin of a child they bukkaked and shamed at the age of nine, Michael Reagan’s favorite scene.  Mitch McConnell and Andrew Cho are adroit dacoits.
