The Killers was being made in Summer of 1963 and released in early 1964.  Angela Dickinson a star of the film was rumored to be dating JFK.  After making the scenes where Reagan assaults her for misconduct she received a phone call that Kennedy had been gunned down.  In committing the planned crime in the film they re-route the vehicle being targetted and stop it at a sign for six seconds just as took place in Dealey Plaza.  The film has a sequence panning up a tall building overlooking a freeway to the upper right window revealing Reagan.

       Biden, of course, represents Reagan’s Federal Emergency Management Agency and shepherds Obama and Harris to intone denial but it happens also in Odessa File.  Opening with a radio in a car on Nov. 22nd, 1963 announcing Kennedy’s death, the screen shows the name Oswald changing  into Ronald and then Voight begins chawing about how much money the snuff photos will be worth.