McCartney is with Rockefeller

Mac Crary <>

Aug 1, 2021, 7:20 PM (13 hours ago)

I would rather shadow the margins than deny the evidence that Lennon pulled a Houdini. It is the essence of the entire affair. How would ... you ... rationally explain that covid snapped at the heels of my yammering about aids being an attack? I don't believe it is rationally possible. Dia Galas and Cliff Robertson both made a point of being clear and present at the WTC in the anthrax affair. Galas is a tagteamster of Ono and Kardashian. They are just playing a game of pin the tail on the donkey and getting away with it while openly promoting those they claim killed Lennon. Chapman went to prison as a Christian martyr (in his mind) of the aids attack. He knew he wasn't there to kill Lennon. They used a NT weapon (Narrative Tension Weapon) that allowed a foolproof pacification system for exterminated people. The idea that Lennon died BLOCKS inquiry. Therefore it was done by him as a Mission: Impossible to allow that outcome and make it impossible to question due to NT.

Impossible questions: Why was Gail Burstyn never arrested?

Why does her lookalike appear on the cover of one of the pimp records of his chums?

Why did Zappa alibi Will Zell and go to such extremes of violence and cruelty to deter questions?

Why would four more Kennedys be killed by Lennon's confederates if he was really supposed to be the "last nail in the coffin of the sixties"?

Why would Kennedys be the enemy?

Why if Galas represents aids victims was she studying satanism and immunogenetics in the 70s?

Why did a namesake of Galas call me the day Lennon checked out and left the Texas Schoolbook as a revivalist weapon in the atrocity? Three years before aids as her classmate Zell also spoke of it in advance?

Why would a representative of Asian women, supposedly, clemence the rape of a deaf Korean orphan with Downs Syndrome and epilepsy?

Why was the way I was lured back here and poisoned ignored in the lead up to the covid monstrosity? Why were Seattle queers so eager to posse up as business-as-usual in the tragedy?

There's a lot of NT questions that don't get asked under the burden of the Lennon blackout and nobody has been more vicious warding off creative convo about than the murderers themselves.